Focus Teams

The constant technological innovation combined with the growing complexity and continuous evolution of every area of law requires the world of legal services to develop new organizational solutions to meet the increasingly articulated and unique needs of clients. Today the dominant model, even at international level, which sees professionals gathered in separate departments and divided by legal macro-areas, may in some cases be too rigid and not fully adequate to meet the needs and pace of work of a very dynamic economic world, hyper-technological and constantly evolving.
Hence the impulse to create within the Firm working groups which are more streamlined and agile than the traditional departments, named “Focus Teams”, capable of bringing together experience, skills, updating and professionalism towards the resolution of the practical and operational issues most advanced, even in virgin or almost unexplored practice of law. This represents a step forward in making the use of the legal services clients seek from the firm more modern, more immediate and even simpler.
In fact, the Focus Teams guarantee greater precision in answering the Client, who in turn is facilitated in the identification of professionals able to deal with hyper-specialized requests from a legal and operational point of view.
This synergy between the Firm and its Clients is also developed through a synergic interaction between the various poles of competence and experience which make up the Focus Teams, each of them being able to count on the most advanced and up-to-date IT tools available today in the legal field.

Underlying the increasingly familiar phenomenon of cryptocurrencies and digital currencies (Bitcoin for all) is the real revolution connected to the advent of blockchain technology and in general of D.L.T. (Distributed Ledger Technology), whose knowledge is less widespread.
The technology linked to D.L.T., of which blockchain is the best known example, as well as the elements that are integrated with it (smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, utility tokens, etc.), summarize all the requirements of change: an innovative technology, versatile, with numerous possibilities of application and high development potential, capable of quickly making obsolete all the previous and established methods of dissemination and exchange of value and information.
The potential and applications of these solutions are vast, especially in fields and transactions in which trust plays a fundamental role (trust of the consumer towards the producer and the production chain, trust between parties to a contract, etc.).
It is not by chance, therefore, that we are witnessing the rapid spread of smart contracts (for digital identity, for the management and traceability of the production chain, for the insurance sector) potentially able to overcome all those relationships between opposing parties characterized by the presence of intermediaries.
Beyond the definitions set out in art. 8-ter of Decree-Law no. 135/2018, the lack of an organic discipline both national and European Union translates into a real regulatory gap in the sector, inevitably a harbinger of doubts and fears, not least on a legal and tax level.
The Firm therefore provides a working group dedicated to supporting Clients who intend to develop their business through the use of these new tools.
The team offers a range of consulting and assistance services, capable of providing concrete and reliable answers to the various legal uncertainties that may arise in approaching the matter, with the possibility of involving professional figures with particular experience in technical and application fields who collaborate with the Firm.

Law Decree no. 34 dated May 19, 2020, so-called “Relaunch” converted into Law no. 77/2020 regarding incentives for energy efficiency (so-called “Superbonus 110%”, “seismic bonus”, photovoltaic) allows companies – in particular General Contractors – condos and private parties to carry out extraordinary maintenance works in economically advantageous terms, providing new lifeblood to the building and construction sector as it incentivizes the execution of interventions with significative impact on energy performance and reduction of seismic risk for the Italian urban heritage.
The tax relief is particularly advantageous, in addition to the relevant rate of 110%, because 1) it covers a wide range of interventions (thermal insulation of surfaces, replacement of heating systems, seismic upgrading); 2) it has the ability to attract other interventions to the same facilitating conditions (e.g. interventions on seismic risk reduction, purchase and installation of windows including frames, photovoltaic, architectural barriers) thus create a single package of modulable works according to the needs of the condo or single or multi-family building; 3) provides various alternative to the direct use of the bonus, as the transfer of credit and the discount on the invoice.
In order to allow possible beneficiaries (condos or individuals) as well as companies in the construction industry to take full advantage of the benefits provided by the 110% Superbonus and to prevent tax and professional liability issues between the various parties, the Firm provides Clients with a dedicated working group. The team, composed of attorneys David Colombini (Equity Partner) and Ivan Libero Nocera (Of Counsel), offers legal advice and assistance that, thanks to multidisciplinary experience and knowledge in the field of tax bonuses in the construction industry as well as in the areas of corporate law, condominium law and contract law, allows to operate at its best in a complex matter constantly subject to reform.

With Legislative Decree no. 199/2021, which came into force on 15 December last year, the Italian Legislator transposed EU Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, concretising a key step in the energy transition process, congruent with the EU objectives of the Green New Deal.
In the field of energy from renewable sources, on which general aspects the Firm provides its Clients a dedicated Focus Team, the R.E.C. – Renewable Energy Communities (already regulated on a transitional basis by Article 42-bis of Law Decree no. 162/2019 as converted L. no. 8/2020) arouses particular interest. The R.E.C. is an aggregation of users of electricity (domestic users, SMEs even agricultural, territorial entities and local authorities, research and education entities, religious entities; third sector and environmental protection entities) that aims to generate economic, environmental and social benefits to the members and the territory in which they are located.
The discipline, which will be followed by further regulatory provisions to be enacted in the short and medium term, requires (and will require) a multidisciplinary approach both internally, which concerns the establishment and structuring of the R.E.C., and externally for its subsequent operations.
In order to support its Clients in this specific field, which is both complex and constantly evolving, the Firm has set up a dedicated team, composed by lawyers Francesca Dealessi (Equity Partner), Andrea Lanciani (Equity Partner), David Colombini (Equity Partner) and Andrea Perino (Associate) to provide wide-ranging legal advice and assistance.

The legal reality of the business world is constantly evolving, affected by continuous legislative changes, both national and international, and by the extensive stratification of regulatory acts issued by independent authorities, including supranational ones.
For this reason, there is an ever-increasing risk that economic subjects operating within this complex legal reality, such as corporate groups, banks, multinationals, entrepreneurs and investors in general, will find it difficult to adapt rapidly to these changes and to conform their actions to the reference regulations.
Therefore, there is an increasing need to avail of a legal advice, suitable, on the one hand, to prevent the risk of behaviors in violation of the legislation that would result in economic and/or reputational damage and, on the other hand, to ensure an effective ability to intervene in cases where such violations have occurred.
To this end, the Firm’s professionals offer solid support to the economic operator from the early stages of risk assessment and gap analysis, aimed at the development of procedures, safeguards and controls adhering to the specific reality of the company, in accordance with the principle of proportionality.
The team is composed of Andrea Grosso (Equity Partner) and Federico Rocca (Associate).

Law Decree no. 118/2021, containing urgent measures regarding company crises and company reorganization, introduced from November 15, 2021 a new negotiated and out-of-court instrument to help companies in difficulty aimed at their reorganization: the negotiated settlement for the solution of the company crisis. The intervention of the legislator takes place in the pandemic crisis and aims to mitigate its negative effects.
In the renewed regulatory context that imposes on the entrepreneur the timely adoption and implementation of the tools provided by the system for overcoming the crisis and the recovery of business continuity, the negotiated settlement for the solution of the business crisis aims to overcome the situation of imbalance before it leads to insolvency.
The procedure with spontaneous access focuses on the appointment of the expert responsible for facilitating negotiations between the entrepreneur, creditors and any other interested parties, in order to identify a solution for overcoming the crisis and the pursuit of business recovery. During the negotiations, the entrepreneur retains management of the company. In the event of an unsuccessful outcome of the procedure, the legislator has also provided for the entrepreneur to submit a proposal for a simplified arrangement with creditors for the liquidation of assets.
The Firm, thanks to its consolidated experience in the field of business crisis, through a dedicated team composed of lawyers Carlo Parvis (Equity Partner) and Emiliano Camilla (Partner), offers legal advice and assistance both to entrepreneurs who intend to access the negotiated settlement of the crisis and to the experts appointed to assist them in their role.
Due to the wide variety of skills required from time to time for the assistance of the entrepreneur in crisis, the team can draw on the multidisciplinary skills present within the firm to provide comprehensive support to the client.

In an increasingly complex economic-legal context, still characterized, at national level, by the significant presence of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, the network contract (so called “Contratto di Rete”) is a multi-purpose and flexible legal tool that allows members to increase their innovative capacity and competitiveness by obliging themselves, on the basis of a common program, to co-operate, to exchange information or services or, again, to jointly carry out activities falling within the scope of their business.
The decisional autonomy recognized to the contracting parties in the definition of the contents of the contract and of the common program is wide. The legal issues that the phenomenon of business networks requires to be resolved are many and constantly evolving.
In this context, the firm provides clients with a dedicated working group that has already established a large number of business networks both in civil and administrative law.
The team, composed of Fabrizio Tarocco (Equity Partner) and Anna Casavecchia (Associate), offers a wide and transversal range of consulting and legal assistance services, if necessary also through the involvement of highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.

Virtual currencies represent one of the most innovative and significant applications of digital technology to the financial sector and are attracting increasing interest, giving rise to an intense technical-legal debate also with the aim of identifying the complete regulation.
The extreme versatility of the so-called tokens makes it possible to refer to different functions as digital representation: payment purposes; purchase of goods and services within a closed system; representation of economic and/or administrative rights.
Economic and financial operators interested in the negotiation and attribution of these instruments must necessarily deal with the legal problems caused by the absence of a single reference regulatory framework (with significant implications, for example, in terms of company law, financial law, consumer law, tax law and anti-money laundering legislation) as well as with a national and international context in rapid proliferation and ferment.
In this constantly evolving scenario, the Firm provides its Clients with a dedicated working group to investigate the many issues related to the so-called “cryptocurrency law”.
The team, composed by Federico Restano (Equity Partner) and Andrea Perino (Associate), offers a wide and transversal range of consulting and legal assistance services, if necessary also through the involvement of professionals from other Focus Teams.

The collaborative economy (also known as sharing economy) is gaining more and more space worldwide, questioning consolidated models of manifacturing and use of goods.
Crowdfunding represents one of the types in which the collaborative and participatory spirit is strengthening also in Italy with greater intensity: crowdfunding provide finance for projects and ideas based on the great potential of the network between individuals.
The term crowdfunding indicates the process whereby several people (“crowd”) contribute sums of money (funding), even of modest amounts, to finance entrepreneurial projects or initiatives of various kinds using internet sites (“platforms” or “portals”) both free of charge and receiving a “reward” in exchange.
The entry into force on November 10, 2021 of the new Regulation (EU) 2020/1503 relating to European providers of crowdfunding services is a cue for operators, who belong to the economic, financial and legal worlds, each with their own specific skills, to examine in depth the development issues and the application areas that this tool – which has now become a type of financing alternative to loans provided by banks or other financial intermediaries – can offer to the interested parties in its various forms.
The Regulation – which foresees a transitional period of one year for platforms that already provide crowdfunding services – aims to standardise the regulation in order to encourage the cross-border provision of crowdfunding services by regolating both authorization regime applicable to the companies that provide them and rules of conduct, also by intorducing of a common framework for all crowdfunding platform managers.
The Regulation therefore represents an innovative choice with respect to the national regulatory framework – as per CONSOB Regulation adopted with resolution no. 18592 of June 26, 2013 updated with the amendments made by resolution no. 21259 of February 6, 2020 – and it will affect the operating business models of Italian platforms, also opening up the market to European operators.
In this scenario, which is constantly evolving, the many possibilities of using crowdfunding service is growing attentions; therefore the Firm provides Clients with a working group that, with respect to specific needs, is dedicated to the in-depth study of the many issues related to the various types of crowdfunding and their best suited form.
The team is composed of lawyers Andrea Bernardini (Equity Partner) and Maria Cristina Ottavis (Senior Lawyer), who offer legal advice and assistance on these specific issues.

In a continuously globalising world, economic and interpersonal exchanges between Countries are a real centrepiece of any legal system. As a result, capital is inevitably called upon to endure a transversal and multi-disciplinary approach of enormous complexity, which often complicates the work of those operating in this context.
For these reasons, our Law Firm, wishing to continue to offer to its Clients a complete and effective service, has implemented the rich tradition of commercial and civil law with the profiles of international and consular law, dedicating a special focus team to cover these needs.
The team regularly assists multinational entrepreneurs and economic operators.

In recent years, the world of art and collecting have undergone a radical transformation: on the one hand, the process of digitalization of the activities of these sectors, significantly accelerated by the current pandemic; on the other hand, the development of new business sectors in response to the increasingly varied interests of the public. Thus, from a world whose main protagonists were a few renowned auction houses, museums , art dealers and experienced collectors, we have moved on to a world dwelled by new players: from the numerous more recently established auction houses, to the platforms that allow old and new operators to carry out their activities on an international level, looking at the global market, right down to the final users, often common people moved by their interest in art and collecting, who, for the first time, with a simple “click”, can access an impressive amount of information and take advantage of purchasing opportunities that were unthinkable even in the recent past.
This sudden expansion of the market imposes on all those involved to face old and new needs for protection and on legal professionals to give adequate answers to old and new questions. Think, for example, of the complex relationship which, on a contractual ground, binds the buyer, the auction house and the successful bidder and at the numerous practical issues whose solution depends on it, at the protection of the rights of artists whose works are sold in auction, at the interferences to the circulation of works of art deriving from the public discipline of protection of cultural assets. But think also at the problems of ensuring compliance with the Community legislation on consumer protection, at the necessity to regulate the time of participation in online auctions or at the necessity to tackle the transnational profiles that inevitably characterize many sales taking place on the Internet. Eventually, consider the difficulties deriving from the need to outline a sale discipline valid for categories of goods heterogeneous and sometimes new to the market, which might adequately respond to the peculiarities of each business area (from sports memorabilia to vintage cars, passing through fine wines and spirits, to reach real estate and mirabilia et naturalia). These and other issues imply the necessity for market players to rely on a proper support in the organization of their activity and of an effective assistance in the management of the claims that often arise among the involved parties.
In order to respond to this demand for counselling, the firm offers its competence, resulting from years of experience in judicial and contractual assistance provided to some primary national auction houses and from the personal interest of its partners and associates in collecting and art in general, being aware that, in addition to legal competence, nowadays lawyers must be able to understand the economic needs of their clients and must cope with them using the same language. Members of the team are Fabrizio Tarocco (Equity partner), and Enrico Debernardi (Associate, Ph.D. in Domestic and International Arbitration).

Wine is one of the products that best marks the European enogastronomical identity, of which it represents a cultural heritage to be protected and valued. The regulatory framework – included as it is in the wider perimeter of food and beverage law – is highly varied, tortuous and constantly growing, often making it difficult for those who work in the world of wine to orient themselves, with the high risk of committing unlawful actions and incurring sanctions, or not organizing distribution, sale and export in compliance with the current regulations.
In particular, wine law covers every legal aspect of the sector: from the law rules on wine production to those on distribution, up to the protection of labels. It finds its sources at regional, national and European level and involves civil, administrative, commercial, tax, industrial and distinctive signs law.
With the aim of combining tradition and innovation, the firm ideally wants to accompany the Client throughout the entire production cycle of wine, from the land to the table.
The team, composed by David Colombini (Equity Partner) and Chiara Gualerni (Associate), offers a complete judicial and extrajudicial assistance which, thanks to consolidated experience and multidisciplinary knowledge, extends to all the various areas of wine law, combining speed and completeness.

One of the most important and innovative objectives for the future of the European Union is to become the first “continent” with zero climate impact by 2050, through the implementation of various initiatives and proposals included in the so-called “European Green Deal”.
During the United Nations Conference on Climate Change 2021 (“COP26”), held in Glasgow, emphasis was given to the newly formed Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (“GEAPP”), an entity that aims to reach one billion people with clean and renewable energy by 2030, so as to prevent and avoid 4 billion CO2 emissions and the creation of 150 million jobs in sustainable activities.
Italy, in implementation of the National Energy Strategy (“SEN”), has set itself – inter alia – the goal of achieving by 2030 an electricity system in which the renewable energies generated will cover a share of 55% of total production.
On such basis, it is clear that renewable energy sources (and their implementation) represent a sector with which economic operators will necessarily have to deal, whether they are strong players in the energy sector or companies and individuals interested in the benefits arising from the strong public drive for exponential growth in the use of clean energy.
In this context, characterized by increasing attention and continuous innovation, the Firm provides Clients with a dedicated team capable of responding to the many opportunities related to renewable energy.
The team, composed of Federico Canazza (Equity Partner) and Umberto Averna (Associate), offers a wide range of consulting and legal assistance services, if necessary, also through the involvement of highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.
Within the complex panorama of renewable energies, the Firm also offers sector-specific assistance and advice on R.E.C. – Renewable Energy Communities, to which a specific Focus Team is dedicated.

The fundamental role of art has been growing and we are now witnessing its declination in many contexts, including the word of investments. Starting from the small collector of artistic artifacts, antiques or memorabilia, up to the large international funds, art – in the broadest sense – has become not only a cultural and aesthetic factor but a real haven asset.
The inevitable increase of complexity and the multidisciplinary nature of the collecting sector has led our Law Firm to dedicate a special focus team to monitoring innovations and legislative developments, both in national and international law.
The team, composed by Francesca Dealessi (Equity Partner) and Enrico Debernardi (Associate), regularly assists museum directors, foundations, collectors and operators in the art and luxury goods sector, companies with art collections, public bodies, financial institutions and private banks, seeking the most suitable solutions to best meet the needs of each Client.

Artificial intelligence (AI) represents a central factor in the process of digital transformation of society and the economy. The innovative scope of this technology affects the majority of productive sectors including, but not limited to, manufacturing, energy, healthcare, robotics, mobility, aerospace and food.
The economic operators involved in developing this technology, or even in integrating it within their own production processes, must necessarily face the new legal problems posed by the emergence of AI (with relevant implications in terms of insurance law, intellectual and industrial property law, competition law, privacy law and personal rights, civil liability and product liability, ownership structures of the so-called big data) as well as with a context of rapid proliferation of sectorial regulations.
In this evolving scenario, the Law Firm provides Clients with a dedicated team capable of responding to the multiple and growing needs related to AI.
The team, composed by Prof. Marco Ricolfi (Equity Partner; Professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Law of the University of Turin) and Alessio Chiabotto (Partner; member of the Artificial Intelligence Commission at the Council of the Bar of Turin), offers a wide and transversal range of consulting and legal assistance services, if necessary also through the involvement of highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.

The communication between things (Internet of things or, simply, IoT) plays a fundamental and unavoidable role in different industries and in daily lives, increasingly characterized by rapidly evolving technological development.
An almost infinite mass of information (Big Data) becomes available since the time any action in our daily lives (a payment, a phone call, an online message and so on) has been entrusted to “smart” devices based on information technology (IT). Therefore, the data generated by them can be recorded, stored, reused and cross-referenced, thanks to the growth of the computational capabilities made available to us by digital technology.
If Big Data could initially be thought of as referring to communications between people, the next quantum leap is communication between things: the Internet of Things (IoT), thanks to which, for example, data on electricity consumption, as well as those taken from the movements of vehicles, refrigerators, aircraft engines and tyres, intercoms or robot vacuum cleaners that we find in our homes, are collected by sensors at the periphery and transmitted to the center.
As a matter of fact intercoms, thermostats, remote controls, devices that find application in the medical field, in different industries and within household are equipped with sensors and activators. Through these pass more communications.
This constant comunication flow between things involves sensitive legal issues in many areas, including data protection, product liability, contractual liability, I.P. and competition law.
In this context, the Firm provides Clients with a dedicated working group.
The team, composed by Prof. Marco Ricolfi (Equity Partner; Professor of Commercial Law at the Department of Law of the University of Turin) and Chiara Corradini (Associate), offers a wide and cross range of consulting and legal assistance services, if necessary also through the involvement of highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.

In a world where the imagine holds the stage, photographs represent a heritage to be protected and safeguarded: not only those that can be qualified as “works of art”, but also simple photographs depicting people, aspects, elements or facts of natural or social life. In Italy, this heritage is governed by a complex discipline, which is essentially contained in the Law on the protection of copyright and other rights connected to its exercise (Law n. 633 of April 22, 1941) which, after continuous evolutions, has led to a “double track” discipline that provides protected works, connected rights and simple photographs without protection.
The need to deal with this matter is not limited to professionals who have made photography their job, but it arises with reference to the private sphere of individuals as well as in every commercial context, where the promotional message of products and services is increasingly entrusted to images.
The law on copyright offers different measures of protection, depending on whether the photograph can be qualified as a work of art or as a simple photograph, with no creative character. At the same time, due to the different relevance and the different areas of use of photography, its protection can embrace other areas of our legal system, such as competition law, intellectual property law, privacy or right to image.
In order to meet the growing needs of protection related to images, the Firm provides its clients with a dedicated working group. The team, composed of attorneys Fabrizio Tarocco (Equity Partner) and Maria Olympia Pene Vidari (Senior Lawyer), offers legal advice and assistance that, thanks to consolidated multidisciplinary experience and knowledge, extends to all the different areas of protection of photography.

Minibonds are medium – long-term bonds or debt securities issued by SMEs to raise liquidity for development plans, extraordinary investment or refinancing operations. They represent an alternative and complementary form of financing to the traditional banking channel that allows SMEs to reduce dependence on bank credit and to access the competitive market of institutional investors, also in view of subsequent more complex operations on the capital market, such as listing. on the stock exchange.
With this tool, SMEs find sources of financing, issuing debt securities to be subscribed by institutional investors (banks, investment companies, SGR, SICAV), who intend to support their growth project.
Thanks to the regulatory changes introduced starting from 2012 with the so called “Decreto Sviluppo” (Law Decree 22 June 2012, n. 83), which removed the previous fiscal and administrative limits, the issues of minibonds have gradually spread, so much so that Borsa Italiana has created an ad hoc segment of the ExtraMOT market, where it is possible to negotiate the related debt securities. According to the Minibond Barometer updated as of 31 December 2021, from 2014 up today 970 minibonds have been issued for an equivalent value of approximately EUR 6.6 billion, of which 397 are listed on the ExtraMOT PRO3 segment and 570 have been placed privately.
The Firm provides Clients with a dedicated work group that has gained significant experience in assisting SMEs and institutional investors in relation to minibond transactions. The team, composed of lawyers Andrea Bernardini (Equity Partner) and Maria Olympia Pene Vidari (Senior Lawyer), offers complete assistance extended to all the phases that characterize minibonds: from the structuring of the operation and preparation of the contractual documents related to issue and subscription, to the subsequent reimbursement phase in relation to waiver requests and amendments to the loan regulations.

The European Commission’s “New Deal for Consumers” initiative built on the existing Consumer Policy framework, taking a step forward to strengthen the adoption of EU consumer law to ensure both citizens and companies a high level of protection and certainty in a rapidly changing market.
Four Directives are included within this project: the Omnibus Directive (2019/2161/EU), with the aim of modernizing the consumer law framework through amendments to existing Directives, the Directive on Class Actions (9223/20/EU), aimed at updating the rules on representative actions to protect the collective interests of consumers, as well as the Directives on digital content (2019/770/EU) and on the sale of goods (2019/771/EU).
In the Italian context, as of January 01, 2022, the implementing decrees (Legislative Decrees 170 and 173 of 2021) of the last two Directives, containing specific rules on contracts for the provision of digital content and services and amendments to the already existing rules on the sale of goods, became effective; with regard to the Omnibus Directive, on the other hand, Italy is now implementing the directive into national law.
In order to face the challenges of the new evolving market, the firm provides Clients with a dedicated working group able to cope with the new needs, both of consumers to see their rights fully protected, and of companies, which will have to adapt their business practices to the European Directives in a new perspective of modernization and digital development.
The team is composed by Riccardo Bacci (Equity Partner) and Chiara Gualerni (Associate), who offer specific advice and legal assistance on these specific issues.

The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) represents a great opportunity for companies in order to boost their progress and innovation, given the amount of financial resources dedicated, the stimulus to investment that determines and the framework of reforms which it fits
The six missions pointed out in the Plan with a 2021-2026 horizon concern: digitalization, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism; green revolution and ecological transition; infrastructure for sustainable mobility; education and research; cohesion and inclusion; health.
The Firm has structured a dedicated working group, able to respond to the needs related to PNRR and the opportunities connected to it: legal compliance of the company in relation to calls for tenders, also in accompaniment with the company’s advisors; consulting for the creation of aggregations between companies; legal assistance in the preparation of the application in the tender phase and in the subsequent one; relations with banks and institutions and related contracts.
The team, which reports to David Colombini (Equity Partner) and Andrea Perino (Associate), offers a wide range of legal advice and assistance services, also through the involvement of professionals from other focus teams of the Firm.

Private enforcement of antitrust law, i.e. litigation concerning damages claimed by private individuals, both companies and consumers, due to the violation by other companies of the rules protecting competition and the market (in particular, agreements and abuse of dominant position) is a rapidly growing phenomenon.
This type of litigation is characterized by high technical complexity and by the intersection of strictly legal and economic issues.
The focus team composed by Federico Benincasa (Partner) and Fabrizio Abrate (Associate) has acquired significant experience in this field and collaborates with leading economists, thus being able to offer qualified assistance to all parties involved.

Fintech defines the processes of financial innovation that are based on the use of new technologies.
The disruptive force of technological evolution in the financial sector imposes on the legislator – both national and supranational – the challenge of dictating an effective regulation for the new financial instruments; on the other hand, it also requires from market players the ability to exploit the new possibilities provided by technological innovation in the wide network of rules that regulate the matter.
In this evolving scenario, the Firm provides Clients with a dedicated working group, capable of responding to the multiple and growing needs related to the regulation of new technologies in the financial field.
The team, composed by Federico Restano (Equity Partner; who has a consolidated experience in the field of Fintech) and Alberto Gazzola (Associate), offers a wide range of consulting and legal assistance services.

Blockchain technology is employed more and more widely and is now extended to contracts, as it is the basis of smart contracts, containers of contractual clauses encoded in computer language that make possible the self-execution of the terms programmed by the Parties on occurrence of certain conditions according to the “if … / then …” function.
The use of smart contracts provides immediate advantages when it comes to certainty, immutability and transparency of legal relationships and it is suitable for the purposes of insurance, logistics and financial industries, among others.
In this respect, the Firm provides Clients with a dedicated working group.
The Team, composed by Franco Galiano (Equity Partner) and Ivano Longo (Associate), both experts of insurance law practise, offers a wide and cross range of consulting and legal assistance services, if needed also engaging highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.

Outside the American borders, Italy was the first country in Europe to introduce the new legal form of the Benefit Corporation, characterized by the peculiarity that in the exercise of an economic activity, in addition to the purpose of sharing profits, pursue one or more purposes of common benefit and operate in a responsible, sustainable and transparent way towards people, communities, territories and environment, cultural and social goods and activities, bodies and associations and other stakeholders.
The decision to be born or to become a Benefit Corporation is therefore aimed at obtaining a reputational advantage by qualifying as a company that operates in a responsible and sustainable way aimed at addressing an innovative entrepreneurial market increasingly attentive to environmental, social and cultural issues.
Companies wishing to become Benefit Corporations must amend their memorandum of association or articles of association to indicate, within the scope of their corporate purpose, the specific common benefit purposes they wish to pursue and prepare an annual report on how the common benefit is being pursued.
Weigmann Studio Legale, thanks to a team composed of Giovanni Gazzola (Equity Partner) and Georgiana Colac (Associate) is able to provide legal advice and assistance to companies in the process of incorporation or transformation into a Benefit Corporation, as well as in all the obligations required by law, starting from the updating of the Articles of Association to the preparation or revision of the annual report.

The world of innovative Start-Ups and SMEs represents a constantly evolving scenario, which requires strategic assistance, as well as legal expertise on the regulatory peculiarities of the sector.
Our consulting activity covers the entire life of the new company, from the initial assessment of the requirements for the access to the regime of innovative Start-Up (or innovative SME), to the design of the capital raising process – with particular attention to the applicable tax incentives – up to the development phase of the business (including the possible transformation from Start-Up to innovative SME).
In particular, the Firm offers qualified assistance on the definition of the corporate structure and the relationships between operating and investment partners, taking advantage of the flexibility of the regime of innovative Start-Ups with respect to ordinary corporate law, with a specific focus on the regulation of corporate governance and remuneration plans for managers.
The team, composed by Federico Restano (Equity Partner), Federico Benincasa (Partner) and Elena Canale (Associate), offers a wide and transversal range of consulting and legal services, if necessary also through the involvement of highly experienced professionals from other Focus Teams.

The Third Sector represents a constantly expanding reality which, at the same time, is the subject of a recent important reform process aimed at overcoming the regulatory fragmentation that has long characterized the discipline.
The recent Code of the Third Sector provides a unitary framework in which to include regimes and legal forms suitable for allowing and facilitating the correct framing and management of entities. In particular, the new epoch-making reform has introduced elements of great impact both from the internal profile of the organizational structure and from the external profile of relations with the public administration.
In order to offer concrete legal solutions to all the players in the renewed world of the Third Sector, the Firm provides clients with a dedicated working group composed of Prof. Guido Canale (Equity Partner) and Prof. Ivan Libero Nocera (Of Counsel), in order to provide consulting services and legal assistance to best address the issues presented by the application of a discipline still in the process of adjustment.

The circulation of legal models has determined, also within the continental legal systems, a process of transposition and progressive diffusion of provisions capable of determining situations of patrimonial destination, with consequent separation or segregation of assets.
Among the most flexible and dynamic legal institutions, capable of responding to the needs of patrimonial guarantee and separation that emerged in the contractual practice, there is the trust, which, with its ability to segregate immovable or movable assets that are placed under the care and management of a subject (trustee) free to administer and dispose of them without losing the legal constraint, in order to prosecute a purpose worthy of protection and/or for the satisfaction of one or more determined beneficiaries, found wide diffusion in the Italian legal system, also due to the ratification of the 1985 Hague Convention.
The trust is effectively used as a legal tool for succession planning and protection of families and of de facto unions as well as of weaker subjects, in commercial relationships, in bankruptcy procedures and business restructuring operations.
The Firm provides a dedicated working group, able to support Clients regarding the many forms that the institution of trust is able to take in relation to the aimed purposes and the consequences that such an instrument is able to produce in terms of practical application.
The team, composed by Matteo Rossomando (Equity Partner) and Serena Palma (Associate; PhD in Private Law), offers a wide and transversal range of consulting services and legal assistance, with the possibility to involve professionals with considerable experience in such field who work together with the Firm.